Unique Titles
Titles are earned during the Festival Games each fall and may only be transfered by an approved Challenge. The Title represents the best overall in a given area of expertise and conveys additional abilities to the Title Holder. As the power of holding a Title is backed by everyone knowing of it, all Titles and their Holders will be public knowledge.
Rules for Challenge:
1. Keep to the spirit of the rules. We are all here to have fun!
2. Title Holders are required to accept at least 1 legitimate (IE keeping with the spirit of the rules/game) Challenge, if any are made, per trade. Any after may be denied by the Title Holder and put off to further trades.
3. After the legitimate Challenge is made, the Title Holder comes up with a fair contest and brings it to the arbitrators (AKA an Employee) for approval. The arbitrator will ensure that it is a fair, thematic, and legitimate Challenge for the Title.
4. Challenge On! Winner gets the Title. In case of dispute, bring to arbitrator.