Types of Marshals (Guides)

Coordination Marshal (Guide) will spend their Casting hours at the Post Office filling out cards for Agriculture, Foraging, Salvaging and other skills while maintaining an immersive experience for other players. Nice handwriting is a plus, but not a must. They will create a persona Postal-Worker to help maintain that immersion and are encouraged to make them feel as life like as possible. These Marshals are overseen by Beth/Nikki and are considered fully trained after 12 hours.

Rules Marshal (Guide) will spend their NPC hours running modules given to them by the Ops Marshal, which in a nutshell means taking NPCs out into the gamespace and supervising them. Rules Marshals aren’t exactly glorified cat-herders, but it’s pretty close….kidding! They’re the first point of contact when a player is upset with how a mod went (fight or RP), they’re the Ops Marshals eyes & ears out in the field and their attitude is often one that sets the tone for all the NPCs they guide around. These Marshals are overseen by Truate/Ian and are considered fully trained after 12 hours.

Ops Marshal (Guide) will spend their NPC hours organizing chaos. Daunting eh? Well we provide you with a schedule, pre-written modules and many other tools to help! You must have completed at 12 hours of both Rules and Coord training before you can be considered for an Ops Marshal position. These Marshals are overseen by Truate and are considered fully trained after 18 hours of training completed over at least 2 months time.

Settings Marshal (Guide) will spend their NPC hours creating immersive horror special effects make-up masterpieces, helping NPCs dress the part and sometimes other pieces that we tend to refer to as [REDACTED]. Please email at least 3 photos of your work (make-up or costume-creation) to Beth@DystopiaRisingAR.com, as she oversees these Marshals.

Part-Time Guide. These are guides that come to us from other games but cant be guides full time for our game. These guides must meet the following criteria”

  1. Dystopia Rising Arkansas cannot be your home game.

  2. You are a member in good standing of DR.

  3. You have permission from your home team to help us out.

  4. You go through a qualification training period with our lead guides in the guide position you are in.

All Guides are expected to be familiar with the rules and available for witnessing CvC actions such as thefts or infection loss. All Guides are expected to help with leading either set-up (limited slots) or clean-up of site.

Additionally, Arkansas team members attend a team weekend retreat at Camp Rogers during the winter break. Attendance is not required, but is encouraged as it gives us a time outside of game to be a family and take care of a few tasks (like training) that we aren’t able to do during the regular season.

All Guides are required to lock in for either 4 hours of shift or 6 hours of shift for the year. We can be a little flexible on this, but this cannot change month to month as we have schedules we have to manually make.

Arkansas team members are also expected to be leaders in the community, and sometimes that means we (Truate, Beth, Lauren, Nikki, Ian, Cody, & Curtis) will hold them to a higher standard, restrict some of their play-actions or ask them to steer some stories.  #WeAreBecauseYouAre is a core tenet for us and that means we all need to lead by example.