What are Action Requests?

Good Morning Survivor’s!    Welcome to the Friday Edition of Pro-Tip Thursday!  

Yep, here I go again breaking the rules…  But this has been a crazy week for me due to oral surgery and catching a cold.  Today is the first day that I am not on some major meds to help feel better. 

But now that I am off the heaviest meds it's time to talk more about plot!!!  Yes, I know, we talked about plot last time. But this time I want to talk about the different types of plot that you can engage in. 

To Start off, go read what I wrote last time.  You will see the conversation about what our writers do every game to create the stories that create the plot for the weekend.  One of the things I mentioned was the subplots that get written every game.  These Subplots is an area where YOU the player can help create plot that is created every game! 

I know you are sitting there saying. “ But Curtis,  I engage the plot every weekend and that is how I help create the story!” 

Yes, when you interact with the plot during the game your player actions affect the plot as it moves forward.  But there are ways for you to actually request a plot for your character specifically!   

Part of the Dystopia Rising game are wonderful things called Action Requests. 


Players can reach out to the staff and request a certain type of plot that they would like to see happen in game.   They are: 

  1.  Master Module Request 


  1. Professional Achievement Request 


  1. Personal Plot Request


This week I just want to touch base on these.  We will spend time in future pro-tips going over these in detail.    

These plot requests are sent in and assigned to one of our writers who works with you to develop the type of story you are looking for.   The major tip I want to give everyone is to make sure that you have the understanding that these are ideas that are passed onto create a mod, not a Detailed written script that is created for you.  

When you make these requests, keep in mind, Less is more.  Give a framework that the writer can work within.  These mods create the situation that your character can find themselves in and then you get to act your way through it.  Your choices in game and the choices your fellow players make may change how the mod is run and how it ends.     

It helps our writers if you have provided a Backstory for your character.


This type of background on your character helps our writers pull your character into stories in more subtle ways.  With this information we can work with you to create better personal plot interactions to engage your characters in the game. 

OK going to stop here for this week,  We will discuss these things more in the following weeks.  If you have any questions, reach out to me or any of our staff! 

Till next Time Survivors! 

See you in the waste!