Pro-Tip Thursday 5-26-2022
Good Afternoon Fam!!! And welcome to the afternoon version of Pro-Tip Thursday!
I hope everyone is recovering well from the weekend! It was a great game and if you weren't there you were missed!
So Today’s topic Is about the rules regarding Theft in our game. The world is a rough place and there are indeed people who will take your stuff for themselves if they can! They can pick your pocket, Lift your items you left behind in the bar or even just simply mug you for your stuff!
But it's really important to understand the rules regarding in-game theft in our game. There is a very big difference between the 2.0 rules and the 3.0 rules. Theft is considered a CvC action in both versions but it's how we deal differently with CvC in 3.0 that really makes it different.
So to begin, let's look at page 163 in the rule book! The chapter headed “Thick as Thieves”. One of the best things to learn about these rules is that thieving is flying the CvC flag. So the basic CvC rules come into play. You must have been in play 4 hours and remain in play for 4 hours after the theft.
I know you are saying… Gee Curtis that is the same as 2.0. Well you would be correct but what is different is the mentality difference between 2.0 and 3,0. The key word is consent. Now stealing does not require you to check in with a character before you do it, ( unless you are mugging them, then consent for CvC combat must be attained) but you should really think about the Players mental and emotional health will be affected before you steal from them.
The Mechanical rules for thieving are important to be followed. Let's go over them real quick.
You must get a Guide to witness the theft.
Once you have performed a theft you must log it in at the post office within 30 minutes.
Those are some pretty simple rules. However there are details to go over.
To pickpocket a player or Npc you must have the Basic larceny skill. You achieve this by attaching a black clothes pin to their supply bag. Be advised if your mark sees you attaching that clip you are now subject to CvC!!!
Now you can simply steal something that has been left on a table in the bar. If someone has left their weapon, shield, items or even money lying around you can pick it up without any larceny skills. However, the rules for theft apply. You must have a guide witness it and you must log it into the post office!
Now we are not going to police your playing choices, But the priority should always be the mental health of the Player you are interacting with. There are a lot of opportunities to steal from NPC’s and other within the game if you really want to show off your master thief skills! Reach out to the Game runners and ask them for opportunities in game!
Let us know if you have any questions on this topic!
Till next time Fam!
See you in the Waste!!