Howdy, Wastelanders!
Critters, raiders, and zed, oh my! There are so many creature encounters one can experience when visiting Quiet Hollows. And not all threats are strain related! During the fall, the levels of radiation have drastically changed not only humans' genetics to adapt to the new world, but creatures as well. There are a handful of different types of critters that can be found in the Riverlands. For today’s Pro-Tip Thursday, we’re going to explore the different types of critters that call the Riverlands their home.
Fire Ants
Fire Ants are absolutely a newer critter threat to Quiet Hollows. But they make sure you can’t ignore them. These massive creatures are aggressive in nature and quick to kill threats in their way. Currently, Quiet Hollows is dealing with an ant infestation and they are the primary threat at this moment. Watch out if they bite at you! They tend to infect people with a Fire Ant Poison upon biting. Their chitin exteriors matched with their shitty attitude makes them a threat to be reckoned with.
Iron Boars
Iron Boars were one of the first critters that we encountered in the Riverlands. These massive boars are incredibly difficult to stop and even harder to put down. When going toe-to-toe with the Iron Boars, be ready for a fight for your life. But be careful - the sounds of gunfire just pisses off the cantankerous beasts and will send them into a frenzy. Approach with caution.
Maneater Croc/Methgator
In the swamps of Quiet Hollows resides a couple of threats. One of those being a Maneater Croc and another is its cousin, the Methgator. These savage creatures have evolved to be even more ferocious than crocs or gators. Big difference between Maneater Croc and Methgator is the size and aggression level. Not only can they blend in well with their surroundings, they can resist having their limbs broken. Avoid the jaws of either creature - it will engage in a death roll with its prey.
Mindrender Murdeer
We all know aberrant or psionic usage attracts the weird and abnormal. One of those things is a Mindrender Murdeer. Take a slightly larger than normal deer, slap some crystals on it’s antlers, give it glowing eyes and a “fuck you” attitude, and you have a Mindrender Murdeer. They are incredibly territorial and absolutely abhor non-aberrants. If you use psionic abilities, they’re more likely to ignore you whereas if you have none, they’ll attempt to live up to their name and murder you.
Night Whooper/Longstrider
At night, you may hear a series of “whoops” that echo in the forest. This is the call to our local Night Whoopers. They’re also referred to as Longstriders to some! These bipedal creatures tend to show up only at night. However for dire situations, they will show up in the daytime. And as long as you’re super chill with them, no harm will come to you. However, if you attack and kill one, you will be marked for death from the creatures.
Red Fox attempts to console a nervous Nightwhooper in the middle of day.
Take a raccoon and a bear and smush it together. Congrats! That’s a Racbear. They are racoons the size of bears. Despite the fact that they are cute and cuddly, they are somewhat intelligent enough to steal from unsuspecting victim’s pockets. Every now and then, one will wield weapons like a raider!
There is a semi-reptilian version of the Night Whooper known as a Swamptrider. Where the Night Whooper is fuzzy and looks like Bigfoot, the Swampstrider takes on a much more reptilian look, with sparse patches of fur. Much like the Maneater Crocs, this creature resides in the swamps and uses its natural surroundings as camouflage. It’s able to launch a ball of sludge at its targets, slowly burning the skin upon contact. Hope you’ve got great dodging skills if you wander the swamp!
Whoop-Ass Cranes
Be wary of whooping in the middle of the day. It is shortly followed behind the aptly named “Whoop-Ass Cranes.” Night time whoops, more likely Night Whoopers. Whoops in the day? Whoop-Ass Cranes. They love the color red and will collect it for their nests. Depending on the time of year will dictate their level of aggression. While these birds are a pain in the ass, they are incredibly delicious.
A flock of Whoop-Ass Cranes make their way menacingly to the soon-to-be aware residents of Quiet Hollows.
And that’s all the critters you may encounter at our game! Who knew the Riverlands was home to so many different critters. For a deeper look into the critters and what characters know about them, you can visit
Which critter is your favorite one to interact with?