Time to welcome DR LIVE!
Good Afternoon everyone! I am sorry to pop up in the middle of the day but I have news about the Future of DR Live.
Last week, the owners met with National to get a plan together for starting DR Live. National had hit the point were it was time to make a decision on moving forward due to the expense and time put into DR Live.
There was a vote and it was passed that we are moving forward with DR Live as the preferred method of gaming in Dr. The second vote was when this is happening. It has passed that our new contracts will be signed in January and All games are expected to start Playing DR Live by the end of April.
You can listen to the entire meeting here:
I know this is some pretty big news. I also know there are going to be a lot of questions about this development. Some I can answer right now and others will have to wait until we have worked everything out. A immediate question I believe people will be asking is " what does this mean for us?"
To begin, It means we will be ending all stories up by our December Online event. If you are currently working on a PFA you will have until the end of the year to get it done. We will not be accepting any more PFA request. What is in the system right now will be finished for the end of year. All plots we are working on will hopefully finish this year.
Our plan to move forward next year looks like our normal plans. We will have a writers retreat to start our writer planning. We will have a Guide retreat to make sure everyone is trained and ready to go when we start playing. We will help everyone make the change over to the new system the best we can.
What is not changing is our community. We will tell fun stories in the woods while we whack our friends with foam sticks. We will embrace the return to the horror factor of our game and the game will be returning to the risky days of yore. We will do it together. We are ready to learn and decide what is best for us in our game and we will continue to have fun.
I know its a big deal and for those of us who have gone through one version change already we have a good grasp on how to make things easier for everyone. I will be hanging out tonight online starting around 7pm if you want to jump in a discord channel and talk about things.
Remember everyone. We are because you are. we are in this together and we will move forward and have fun!