Hey hi and hello! Welcome to our next installment of Antagonist Guide. Previously, I’ve gone over critter and undead threats that are unique to the Riverlands. For our final group of antagonists, I’m excited to share with you our flavor of raiders - Kudzu Raiders. Yep, that’s right. The screaming, cannibalistic, kudzu covered raiders. There are three different types of Kudzu Raiders that roam the forests and marshy swamps in Quiet Hollows.
Kudzu Raiders are a sub-type of raiders. Instead of presenting as regular raiders covered in scavenged metals, weapons, etc., these kudzus are stealthy hunters. The main trait that separates Kudzu Raiders from regular Raiders is the Kudzu that grows from their body. Kudzu Raiders live in groups known as a Hive.
While not a Kudzu Raider, a scary raider never the less!
KudFace Raiders
These Kudzu Raiders serve more of a purpose of a recruiter. Bait. Their main purpose is to draw unsuspecting folks from their safety and into an ambush in the woods or the swamps. They can achieve this by mimicking the words and sounds of human conversation. Once they’ve got their target in their clutches, the trap is sprung. Their goal isn’t necessarily to consume their target, but plant tainted kudzu into their victims. So if you’re in the wastes or swamps late at night and you think you heard someone call out to you, no you didn’t. Keep walking.
Swampland Stalker
The Swampland Stalker is the primary hunter for the Kudzu Raider tribe. They make the treks into the dangerous areas to hunt unsuspecting prey. Primarily they are seen in the swamplands and forest areas. However if they’re desperate enough, they’ve even been known to push out to fishing settlements. If there’s one Swampland Stalker, there’s more to come. They work together as a hunting pack, using tactics on their targets.
Hive Guardian
These raiders are the strongest in the Hive and they have one goal - protect the Hive. Their bodies are covered in battle scars and wounds from their effort. Whereas the KudFace and Swampland Stalkers are crouched closer to the ground for stealth, the Hive Guardians are tall, broad, and intimidating. Not easy to tangle with. Oftentimes, they can be seen with massive shields and in very rare cases, leading the Kudzu Raiders to defend the Hive.
And that’s it! Raiders on a normal day are not exactly the best to deal with. Combine Raiders with the natural stealth that the Riverlands offers can make the mutated Raiders even more dangerous to deal with.
Travel safely, and we’ll see you in the wastes!