Post Office Engagement (prt 2) — DR: Arkansas

Post Office Engagement (prt 2)

Howdy Wastelanders!

That’s right. There’s an immediate second pro-tip released this week! If you haven’t read the previous pro-tip released yesterday, I highly recommend reading that first before launching into this one. While the last pro-tip focused on expectations on interactions between you and the postie you’re working with, this one is focused on post office etiquette. Prior to writing this fun piece, all my knowledge of how to treat the post office have been verbally shared. And while that’s fantastic and highly appreciated, I recognize that maybe not everyone got the same experience. That’s why I reached out to our fantastic coordinator team and together, we compiled expectations for the post office. Thank you team for your assistance with this!

Post Office Etiquette Guidelines - 

  • Posties are Posties, not the person that’s portraying them nor their character. If your friend is behind the post office desk, they’re there as an NPC with no relationship to your character. That means that their regularly played LC cannot give you resources, provide insights into a situation, or have access to their skills/knowledge. Wait until their character is back in play before having that conversation. I stated that in the previous post but it doesn’t hurt to be repeated again.

  • You can send a letter to the post office stating that someone has access to your LIT. Just be sure to state who has access with their player number, what they have access to, and sign with your character name and number. If you’re at game, you can write this letter on a piece of paper and send it with the person who is needing access. If you are an Arkansas local player and you know you won’t be at a game but your crew needs access to items in your LIT, you can send an email to with the same information as listed above.

  • Can’t use the post office as a safe harbor to avoid conflict. Now, if you’re in the middle of a transaction and an NPC comes storming around to find you, you can complete your transaction and then go deal with that. Otherwise, don’t be hiding in the post office.

  • Keep the volume down. There’s a lot of conversations that take place and your postie worker is trying to help the person in front of them. It’s incredibly difficult to concentrate on the task at hand when there’s a million loud conversations happening around them. Try to keep it down.

  • If you don’t need anything from the post office, stay out. There’s a fantastic and roomy porch outside, equipped with benches that you can use to wait for folks. If your friend wants you to stand in line with them and you don’t need anything from the post office, stay outside. 

  • Postal workers reserve the right to request you leave the post office if you’re being disruptive or to quiet down.

  • Try to have all your things together before getting in line. Bring your blueprint, your materials, have your character sheet out, currency in your hand, an action plan of how to use your 5 card transaction (or 1 LIT transaction) limit. 

  • You have access to a player information binder and laptop. You can use the binder to get rumors, meeting locations for specific factions, CAPs buy list, local faction buy list, and more. The laptop is available for you to check your LIT. That way, if you think you have something in LIT and you aren’t fully sure, you can check before you get in line for the post office transaction. These resources are here for you to use before you hop in line.

  • Off to the side of the desk setup for the post office is a letter basket. That’s not for you to rummage through. That’s for the post office workers to hire folks to send letters. Please do not go digging into it WITHOUT permission from the working Postie.

  • Do not reach behind the desk. Unless you are an Arkansas trained coordinator guide, there should be absolutely no reason for you to reach past the laptops or go behind the desk of the post office. 

And that’s it!