May National Fund Raiser for Rodgers Scout Reserve!

Greetings Friends and Family!  

I am coming to you today to announce an awesome opportunity that’s being offered by Dystopia Rising National during the month of May. They’ve challenged each chapter to give back to our communities and find a way to help out a local charity. Our choice was simple - we want to give back to Rogers Scout Reservation.  

RSR has been fundraising all year to improve the camp. Some of you have already donated and we vastly appreciate you! But we wanted to be more intentional and set an achievable goal. After speaking with Larry, we’ve decided to raise money to refurbish the cabins. While refurbishing the cabins is a multi-step project, we’re helping with the first part of the project by raising money for new windows. Real windows with screens! In order to get the screened windows, we need to raise $2,600. That will be our first goal. If we exceed the $2,600 goal, the rest of the money will be pooled together and used towards flooring for the cabins, power and AC.

To help us raise this money, National will post an event that we can sell XP for. Typically when we sell extra XP for our game, the extra XP is sold for $15/XP. For this event only, the price has increased to $20/XP. Up to 10 XP maximum can be purchased. If you have an advance membership all the extra XP will go to all your characters. If you don’t have an advance membership, you will have to choose which character will gain the XP. All the money from the extra XP purchases will go to RSR.

There are some very specific rules we have to follow. We will collect the money and provide receipts that show the donations where made. You will be able to give money for this during the entire month of May. There’s going to be a link on our website to process this purchase/donation. You can only participate in one chapter’s fundraising event.

This is amazingly cool for National to do and we are looking forward to it!

Now money is a great thing. However, we recognize that our current economy is a bit rough and want to offer an additional way to earn extra XP without spending more than necessary. Larry needs some help. Ripping out 18 windows and installing new ones is a lot of work! 

So Truate and I have decided that we’re going to have a work weekend where you can earn 3 XP for coming to help work. We’ll pay for tickets for everyone who shows up and works for the camp. If enough folks show up to help with the windows, Larry has asked for additional help on projects that need to be completed. The honey-do list includes: installing windows, putting real flooring in the caboose, painting the interior of the caboose and deep cleaning the kitchen. You can purchase the 10 XP then participate in the work weekend for an additional 3 XP.   

Current plan is to schedule this during the off months of July and August. Yes, I know it will be hot but we will be safe and take safety measures in the heat. Also, we shall have a food plan. I will cook for you for $20 per person. Yes… Brisket is most likely on the menu!  

A survey will be released soon to determine what weekend is the best for those months. 

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop them in the discord server, comment on the post, or send an email to and we will get it taken care of. Larry’s been amazing to us! Let’s show him the level of support our community can bring.