Pro-Tip Thursday! My First Larp!

Greetings Survivors!  Welcome to this week’s edition of Pro-Tip Thursday! 

Today’s topic is designed to stir up some conversation from the community. I expect the thread to follow to be full of suggestions and topics to be helpful! 

Today’s Topic is “Welcome to your First Larp!”  or also known as “Just what the heck did I get myself into!?!?!?!”    

Looking at our pre-registration we have sold a lot of First time tickets, So we are going to have a large Batch of Blue Birds walking around camp.  So the first conversation is what is a blue bird?  Well a blue bird is a player who is within their first 3 games ever with Dystopia Rising Arkansas.  You will be given a blue Bandana to wear and some blue glow sticks to wear at night so our players know you are new. They will take it easy on you and make sure you do not instantly die.   

Now you can choose to take that blueband off and walk around our dangerous world without its protection, but we recommend that you keep it on for at least the first weekend.  The blue band helps our players know that you are new.  When they see that blueband they know you are trying to figure things out and they will pull you into the shenanigans so you don't miss out on the fun.  

Hopefully, by now our new players have read the book and have a vague idea of what the rules are of the game.  But I want to add some information that the book glosses over a little. 

So let's start with something that has nothing to do with playing our game.  Our game officially starts at 9 pm on Friday night and runs through Sunday at noon.   It is a long weekend, and we are playing a fun game.  But it's also two days that you have to take care of your meat sack of a body that is playing the game.  Food and drink is very important to plan ahead on.  We have a huge refrigerator and a large kitchen with a microwave.   IF you have an Arkansas Food Handlers License you can cook in the kitchen as well.  If you don't have that license there are lot of players who do who can “oversee” your cooking.   You want to make sure you have eating utensils and a plate to use.  Its going to be a hot weekend so hydrating foods and sports drinks are a good idea.  Please for the love of whatever higher being you believe in please bring something else to drink than a case of Monsters…  I mean.. You can bring a case of monsters if that is your choice, but add something else to the mix…  Pocket snacks of Jerky, dried fruit, cheese or whatever you like is a good thing to keep you fueled while running around!

Comfortable sleeping gear and footwear is also really important.   You will be on your feet a lot.  One of the things we recommend is changing your socks several times a day.  Your feet will thank you and it helps you have a few down moments.  Sleep is also a good thing.  

So by now you are going… Umm gee Curtis are you going to actually talk about playing the game as a new person?   I swear I am getting there. But making sure you are well fed and comfortable will make your first weekend better.  Make sure you plan on the heat during this game.  We are going to have swim time in the lake this game so make sure you bring something to wear in the lake. 

Ok now…  now we will talk about what to expect in playing in your first larp.  

Your first event will be unique to you.  You will be surrounded by players acting out their characters engaging in crafting, fighting, talking, arguing and laughing. You will see odd NPC’s walk into town and ask… “who wants to do X w me”  Some will go, some will not.  The choice of what your character does is up to you.   Do you risk your life?  Do you want to sit in town farming?  You choose.  You are creating the spot in the game for your character.   This first time may be hard for you to join into the middle of the crowd.  Do not fear.  Get involved.  Jump into the middle of whatever is happening.   Experienced players will help you get the hang of it.   

In the thread below this post( on our discord) I am sure we will get many suggestions for your first weekend.  Our Community is a wonderful place to be part of.  There are no stupid questions and you are not wasting anyone’s time.  We are here to help you have fun. 

Till next time Survivors!!  Do the dumb, get involved!  

And I will see you in the waste!