Greetings Survivors!! Welcome to Pro-Tip Thursday!
Today’s topic is a Fun one in my opinion! Because as a Player, I love things that allow me to make my Character even cooler! So today we are talking about Augments!
I am sure there are a few of you out there saying “ What the Heck is an Augment?”
An, “Augment” is a new type of item that attaches to your existing item in game. They are things you can add to your existing items, Armor, Weapons, Rooms and many other things. They add special effects to the item and character who wields them.
It's important to note that they only last 3 months. You can only have one augment attached to an item at a time. If you remove an attachment early you will destroy it. So you cannot switch back and forth between augments.
Now these blueprints are being released so your characters are going to have to track down the blueprints you want to have. But while you are in the process of that, it kind of helps to know what is available. So go here: Augments Collection.pdf
Read them all and learn what they do. Figure out what you and your crew want to invest in. Plus decide if the Town needs to add something to town Items.
These give everyone the ability to customize their character and be the big damn hero they want to be!
Till Next Time Survivors!!!
See You In the Waste!!!