Greetings Survivors!
Today Pro-Tip is about a wonderful resource that everyone in the game can accrue.
Community Action Points AKA CAP’s.
CAP’s!!! Good GAWD!!! What Are they good For??? ( Sung to “War” by Edwin Star)
Well unlike war, CAP’s are good for a LOT of things.
So let's begin by looking them up in the book…. Turn to page ummmmm, ok not there… Maybe Chapter ummmmm… Huh… There is no mention of Community Action Points in the book.
Yes, it's not in the book because it was added back into existence after 3.0 started. So where do we learn about CAP’s.
Follow this link for a more detailed explanation of CAP’s
But, for our discussion today,
A simple definition:
“Community Action Points is a system of thank-you’s and rewards that exists to give to players that work to make the community of Dystopia Rising a better place. These points can be turned in for things that will enhance their in-game experience.”
Our game requires a lot of moving parts and time put on. CAP’s give us the chance to thank the players who are going the extra mile to help us and make our game better. The official statement reads: “CAPs are given at the discretion of game runners to individuals who have gone above and beyond to contribute to the game in a positive way. This can be anything from helping a fellow player to assisting game runners make things happen.”
Some in world examples of things we give out caps for are:
Below is example of CAPs awards:
Thank You!: 10 CAPs
Above and Beyond: 25 CAPs
Life Saver: 50 CAPs
There Are No Words: 100 CAPs
Extra Casting: 10 CAPs per hour
Guides: 40 CAPs per event attended, for being great
Any Guide can award CAP’s at any time
So, what are they good for really? How can I use them?
Well, you can use CAP’s in game and out of game!!!
In the game it is easy, you can get materials, Currency, Teachers for skills, meals and brews. See the post office of the full list. If you follow the link above it can show you a lot of possibilities. It will be up to the game runners for final approval what's available in your area.
These points are not transferable, but you can use your points for friends. There are some limits of use, IE You can only buy 2 blue plate specials per game per person. So, if you buy yourself 2 you can buy your friend 2, but that is all you can have.
But you can use your CAP’s out of game. You can turn CAP’s to unlearn skills or even do a complete rewrite. Reach out to your directors for approval.
You can also EARN CAP’s outside of the game as well. We have opportunities to earn CAP’s through donating items on our wish list to our chapter. We also give you opportunities to make donations to Charities for caps as well. You can donate your time or money to these charities and get CAP’s for it. Because these are Community Action Points. Our community is more than just our game.
So, there are lots of opportunities to earn CAP’s.
They are the easiest way we get to say thank you to those who help us run this crazy game and make it awesome for everyone.
Now with a final Thank you for everyone who makes this game great!! You can say “My Cap is off to you!”
snicker… ok with that dad joke we are done…
We will See you in the Waste!!!